Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Java Tutorial Community - Jtree and Borders Code samples

I've been working away on building "code samples" for the Java Tutorial Community Portal. Each one is an example of a piece of code that at one time or another I've found useful. I'm not sure which ones will be interesting or even worthy of a full on tutorial. I'm just posting them and looking for feedback. I have four code samples today.

1. SwitchRootDemo - Demonstrates how to change the root of a default tree model.

2. NodeRolloverDemo - Demonstrates how to highlight a node in a tree when the mouse is over it.

3. FlexibleSearchTreeDemo - Demonstrates how to expand the searching functionality of JTree. Also has RegEx support.

4. CustomBorderDemo - Demonstrates how to use Java2D to create a custom border. 

I have a few other examples in the works for trees. I hope to post that in a few days.

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